
Parish Update – April 10, 2020

From the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday evening forms a special season called the Sacred Paschal Triduum.

“Triduum” is Latin for “a span of three days.”

“Paschal” means “related to the Passover.”

These are the three days where we commemorate Jesus’ Last Supper, his suffering and death on the cross, his descent to the realm of the dead, and his glorious Resurrection. It is the new Passover of the new covenant, whereby Christ frees us by his Blood and leads us to the promised land of heaven.

This is how the Church’s official norms on the liturgical calendar describe this special three-day season: “Christ redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally through his paschal mystery: dying he destroyed our death and rising he restored our life. Therefore the Paschal Triduum of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the entire liturgical year.”

Thank you for praying with your parish family during this holy time!

Live-Stream Schedule:

Good Friday: April 10, 11:00amThe Litany of the Sacred Heart (together with the Bishops of the United States; special plenary indulgence available)

Good Friday: April 10, 7:00pm – The Passion of the Lord

Saturday: April 11, 8:00pm – The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

Easter Sunday: April 12, 9:00am – Easter Morning Mass

All events can be viewed on our parish Facebook page.
Past events remain viewable


Here are some home-based prayers and activities for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

Knights of Columbus Drive-in and Drop-Off Food Drive is Saturday, April 11 from 9:00am – noon in the St. Brendan parking lot. You are invited, if you can do so safely, to bring food to be shared with the Help Center’s food pantry.

Recent Collection Totals (average of $13,250 needed weekly):
3/16/20-3/22/2020  $11,085.00

3/23/20-3/29/20      $6,539.00

3/30/20-4/5/20        $9,042.67

Thank you for supporting your parish in this difficult time!

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