"For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?" (Luke 14:28-30)
What is the corporate structure of St. Brendan Parish?
From the perspective of civil law, St. Brendan Parish is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. This corporation contains and manages all the assets of the parish, including St. Brendan School, which is not a distinct corporation.
There are several distinct organizations that assist St. Brendan Parish, including the Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Brendan Cemetery Association, and St. Brendan School Foundation. But, these are legally distinct entities, whose finances are not administered by St. Brendan Parish.
What is the main source of revenue for St. Brendan Parish?
Almost the only source of revenue for St. Brendan Parish is the donations (tithing) of its parishioners and other special donations, such as bequests.
How is St. Brendan School funded?
St. Brendan School does not charge tuition for active parishioners. Like all Catholic grade schools in the Diocese of Jefferson City, our grade school operates as a ministry/mission of the whole parish. This means that by virtue of being an active parishioner, all of us support the parish financially according to our means. This income is then used to fund all of the parish's ministries, including the school.
St. Brendan School does charge tuition for non-parishioners and does receive other income from fees, grants, etc., but the major part of the school's funding comes from regular Sunday offerings to the parish.
All parishioners have a hand in supporting the school as a ministry of the whole parish. And, in turn, this ministry is one that we provide without tuition to our parishioners.
What is tithing?
Tithing is a biblical concept, rooted in our grateful response to God. Tithing means that we recognize that our resources are a gift from God and that we should make a grateful return to him. Practically, we do this by fulfilling the Church's precept to support the needs of the Church and the poor.
Traditionally, tithing means 10% of gross income. Our diocese suggests giving 8% to the parish and 2% to other charities. Those who make this sacrificial gift often come to recognize that God is not outdone in generosity. Tithing is an expression of our responsibility as parishioners to care for our parish and assist in its mission.
How can I give to St. Brendan Parish?
Thank you for supporting St. Brendan! Here are three ways to give:
- sign up for online giving
- register in the parish and receive envelopes to place in the weekly collection
- contact the parish office about signing up for ACH (automatic withdrawal)
What is St. Brendan's Finance Council?
According to canon law, "In each parish there is to be a finance council which is governed, in addition to universal law, by norms issued by the diocesan bishop and in which the Christian faithful, selected according to these same norms, are to assist the pastor in the administration of the goods" (canon 537).
St. Brendan's finance council assists its pastor in the administration of parish finances.
Current finance council members are:
- Deacon James Farnell
- Mrs. Pat Teague
- Mrs. Jean Ann Mechlin
- Mrs. Barb Wilson
- Mr. Brian Unger
- Mr. Mike Sharpe
- Mr. Kenny Brinker
- Mrs. Kathy Coulson (school principal)
- Mrs. Beth Feger (parish bookkeeper)
Detailed financial reports are available upon parishioner request from the parish office.